Sponsorship is available for each episode of the podcast.
Sponsors are trying to reach a very narrow and specialised segment of the market. Most sponsors are either trying to market to BPOs or to potential customers for BPOs.
Firms interested in engaging in outsourcing and offshoring are prospective customers for BPO’s but they are hard to identify for marketing purposes. Not being able to get your message in front of potential customers limits growth and leaves it up to the client to discover you amongst the hundreds of competing providers.
Sponsoring Outsourcing and Offshoring- Philippines precisely targets a small but valuable group of businesses already interested in and considering outsourcing and your sponsorship lives on in our archives and transcript to be found through Google for years to come.
The power of podcast advertising is huge and growing and big podcasts are doing 6 figure deals for advertising to massive audiences.
Email us at info@offshoring.com.ph